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Friday, November 9, 2007

UIRrrrr~ Practical 2

Heya all!
What i have done today is to do reseach on the impacts of cyber crimes on business. Here are the list of links and the description of the website

Subject Topic Website:
Cyber crime impact world economics
Cyber crime’s impact on business

Organization Website:
Cost of cyber crimes over take physical crime

Personal Website (Blog):
Fraud, Phishing and Financial Misdeeds: Will cycber crime lead to economic disaster

Firstly, I used Google as my search facilities. Because google can do wonders. Google can even "assist us" in hacking. Google has the best Crawler!

Secondly, the keywords that i used for my search are impact, cyber crimes, business. By using the keywords, google is able to filter out all the unrevelant topics and only display the keywords that they found.

Thirdly, I havent compare yet. Haha, cause class end liao lah. I will do it later


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