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Friday, January 18, 2008

Uir Practical 8

Today the SBS sure piss me off. I waited at my bus stop from 8 30 am till 8 50 am for BUS 15. The Bus did not arrived at all so i took another bus and want to change to bus no 8 and i waited till 915 then the bus came... ****** I reached school at 9 45 am... I was late ... and no attendance then i went in the class and wow i got no com to use as the class is full and 2 com were spoilt. I ask my friend to let me use his com to do my test and rotted at the lab doing nothing. But i learn how to Cited a website as my tutor should us on the projector.

Last 30 min the technician mange to troubleshoot one of the com and i spend the time updating my wiki doing my cited reference.

But I am glad that they upgrade the computer to a core 2 dual E6550 processor. The old computer is killing me!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Uir Practical 7

So fast Lab7.

In Lab7 i did research on the upcoming technologies for mobile devices which are HSOPA and UMB. I get to know that there are two types of 3G technologies in the market.
HSOPA is a technology developed by 3GPP and UMB is a technology developed by CDG. The current techology for 3GPP is HSUPA and CDG is CDMA2000
Currently in the world, most of the telecommunication companies are using HSUPA technology only a small percent are using CDMA2000. But as we compare the specs between the 2 new technologies. UMB has better uplink and downlink than HSOPA. But due the high coverage of HSUPA/HSOPA base station, companies are thinking if they will try the UMB technology because they will need to build the UMB base station around the world which will cost a huge amount of money.

Thats all for Lab7 and off to Lab8 and class test 2!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Uir Practical 6b~

Alright! Here we are at Lab 6b! Lets do this quickly!

Lab 6b is the same as Lab6a but we just have the evaluate a different website.
For Lab 6b I have evaluate this website
This website is basically like a news website based on telecommunication technologies.

Same for Lab 6b i will just do a touch and go on the evaluation criteria.

The purpose is stated clearly on the website

They only covers topics base on telecommunication technologies. The review of the topics are written by the staff. and also news article.

The writer for this topic is neither a subject expert nor an institutions with recognized and expertise. He is just a senior editor of this organization.

The information is accurate when i compare with my previous website

There has not been any updates don

This website is easily accessible no registration or log in are required. All the information in this website is free. The loading speed for this website is fast. This site has copyright ownership

Presentation and Arrangement
The information is well presented and arranged but there are lots of advertisements about the site where I think make the site more complicated and irritating.

I think it is not really very user friendly. As stated above I have a hard time finding the article that I am looking for

I think this website is still okay as the loading speed is fast and do not have a lot of graphical pictures. But the advertisement on this site is very irritating

Next we have Lab7!