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Thursday, February 14, 2008

UIR End of Journey Reflective Journel

Alright choosing UIR as my CDS has taught me how to use search engines to search for my information using important key words. I also get to know that there are other search engines besides Google and Yahoo. For example MetaCrawler, this is the first time I have heard of this search engines. We also learnt how to use the advance search features to filter out unwanted results. Example I want to search for PDF file format and Google will only return me PDF file results that they found, removing other search results. This is a lifetime skill which we will apply in school and when we started working where I think it is beneficial to me.

Another skill that I have learned is how to differentiate quality websites for my researches in future. I am able to do researches using the internet with ease and also provide useful and quality information for my researches.

That’s all for UIR
Thank you Ms Faridah and the class of P02, All the best to all of you

Cheers! :D

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